As an Education major, I have heard it all. Although you may try to change our minds, do not say these things to Education majors!
1. "You're not going to make a lot of money."
Oh yes, I am well aware. Most of us are doing it out of the goodness of our hearts.
2. "That must be an easy major."
HAHA! Please, walk a mile in my shoes.
3. "Do you guys even have real homework?"
Oh my goodness, yes! Aside from lesson plans, 20 page papers, a ton of reading, creating activities, learning about the plethora of theories, we don't have too much.
4. That "look" someone gives you when you say you want to teach.
Slightly confused, slightly horrified. I can't tell you how many people have given me that look.
5. "Do you have patience?"
Yes, or I wouldn't be in this line of work.
6. "But kids hate school!"
Not all kids hate school ya know :)
7. "Good for you, I hate kids"
Congratulations. That's why I'm going to be a teacher and you aren't!
8. "Don't be that teacher who..."
We can't always make decisions that our students like. There's a reason behind every decision we make, whether that's designing a seating chart or assigning homework every night. We went to school for this, we know what we're doing!