Finals...the last two weeks of the semester when sleep is minimal, caffeine intake is at an all-time high and spiraling into failure seems inevitable.
There are a lot of bad mental/physical health practices during this time, but you need to remember that you are more than a test score and deserve to treat yourself well!
1. Drink water.
It so simple, but staying hydrated will help you stay focused and alert for those light-night cramming sessions. Turn to water instead of another 32 oz. diet coke.
Contrary to popular belief, YOU NEED SLEEP. Caffeine is not sleep. Pulling all nighters will cause you to crash and burn early into finals week. Take power naps throughout the day and make sure you are getting a full night's sleep.
3. Do some kind of physical activity.
Rather it be walking around campus, running from your responsibilities or doing yoga at a gym, it's important to keep your body moving! Take study breaks to walk around the library or set aside time for a short work out.
4. Surround yourself with people who support you
A good support network is everything when it comes to mental health. Lean on your friends this week to keep you sane and keep you motivated!
5. Focus.
You don't need pills to get through this week. Not only is it illegal, it's also not healthy. You are smart and capable on your own merit. Believe in yourself!
6. Treat yourself!
Rather it's a shopping spree at a local boutique or getting extra guac at Chipotle, it's important to reward yourself for your hard work.
7. Remind yourself that you are beautiful
It's easy to feel ran down and stressed this time of year. And you may not take the best care of yourself, but building yourself up is crucial to a successful finals week. Show yourself some love!
8. Remember that a test score does not define your worth.
Grades are important, but they do not dictate what you can accomplish or change your value. Keep your head up!!