Working in an office is the staple of society (see what I did there). That being said, does anyone really enjoy working in an office? Probably. But here are eight things you might do if you work in a office.
1. Work in spurts.
So you get to work. You settle down at your desk and you go in. You work continuously for a period of time; hopefully an hour, but half an hour is probably more likely. Then, suddenly, you come to reality and get bored or distracted. So, you take a break before you get right back into work for another half an hour.
2. Browse social media.
Maybe your job is to be on social media, so I might cheating with this one, but it's likely that the company's Facebook page isn't the only page you're on at work. In between those spurts of work is more than likely a quick Facebook check (while is likely to be filled with angry voters, social injustice and Pokemon). Oh, and let's face, it you probably message your friends, too.
3. Work on other work.
Maybe you have a blog (or you write articles for Odyssey). Your deadline is approaching fast for an article and yet you're at work all day. So you look around, load up your other work, and two hours before that 10-page essay is due, you write it.
4. Snapchat.
If you have a Snapchat, then you most likely put on the dog ear filter or swap faces with the ghost who wanted to photo bomb your picture for his (or her) five seconds of Snapchat fame.
5. YouTube.
Maybe your job is to be on YouTube gathering data the on views, comments, likes and dislikes of your company's video. Or, maybe you enjoy video game trailers and cat videos. No judgements. Subtitles are a great when you need to stealthily watch a video.
6. Listen to music.
Maybe you are like me and your work spurts are powered by the greatest creation humans have ever made. Is it weird that I wear big over-ear headphones at work, at both my desk and in the hallway? Most likely. Don't worry, I also dance when I think no one is watching, so it could always be worse.
7. Steal food.
Yeah -- no. This is bad. Never steal someone's food. This is a good rule of thumb. Go to the refrigerator. Ask yourself, "Did I put anything in here?" When the answer to that question is a no, close the refrigerator and walk away.
8. Don't do any work the last few minutes before you get off.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who just sits there as the time inches by until the moment you can finally blow this place filled with uncomfortable polo shirts, the co-worker who told the boss that you play around all day, and the fake smiles and nods on your way out the door towards people who want you to stay with them longer. Every one waits until the moment you're about to leave to start a conversation with you, which makes you wonder where was that conversation was when you wanted a distraction from work.