Growing up Catholic, you probably at one time or another questioned why we do what we do, and all the rituals and practices that accompany our religion. Here is a list of eight things you know only to be true if you grew up in a Catholic household.
1.Praying before every meal.
Yes, even breakfast sometimes. Both of my parents are Catholic, so it wasn’t even a question whether we would or not. Really the only time we didn’t was when we got to eat in the living room because we were watching a game on TV. Also, can we just agree it’s super awkward to have a friend who isn’t Catholic come for dinner? I’m sure they were just roasting in the chair while we all try not to laugh.
2. Those Sundays when we have incense.
Either you love it or hate it. Personally, I swear I was allergic and would start crying in the middle or church. One time I tried to swat the smoke out of my face and my extremely Catholic grandma hit me.. ahh good times.
3. Lent: A marathon.
You start out super encouraged and do really well for the first couple weeks.Then the last 20 or so days is pure torture. Also, having to refuse meat whenever you go out on Fridays is a real pain. (Yes, we’ve all cheated or straight up forgot it’s Friday, but I always feel guilty).
4. Accidentally making the sign of the cross after the Pledge of Allegiance.
Straight up, everyone has done it, and yes, you feel like an idiot. However, next time it happens, own it and do it even bigger. (One time I genuflected when going into my row at a Royals game, don’t ask me why).
5. CCD, CYO, or Totus Tuus.
Growing up these were either some of the best times, or most dreaded. Okay, so CCD was rough (if you went to Catholic school you’re lucky) but really CCD is where you learned your prayers and Saints. CYO was fun, getting to hangout with your classmates and eat food and learning about God are all good things. Finally, Totus Tuus was AWESOME. Oh come on, peel banana?!
6. Serving.
Whether by force or choice, it made church go by fast and the servers outing at the end of the year made all those early Sundays worth it! Side note: there is not a single person on this earth that looks good in a white robe. I like to describe it as a frumpy ghost costume with a hood.
7. The real marathons were weddings and funerals.
We all understand. It's an hour and a half (if it’s quick) of sit, stand, kneel, but you know all the waiting will pay off at the wedding dance. Let’s be honest, Catholics know how to throw a good wedding dance.. Y-M-C-A!
8. Having one of the most historically rich religions is actually pretty cool.
All the prayers, saints and symbolism our church has is amazing. Stop and think; for more than 2,000 years we keep some of the same traditions from long ago. Even though what we do may seem odd to others, it really is a great church to grow up in.