My dog, Ellie, is the light of my life - but she's mixed with Pit Bull, which also means what most people see when they look at my sweet pup is a "mean" breed (the other half of her that we know of is Shar Pei). Because of this branding, Pit Bulls are the most unadopted dogs there are. But really, Pits - even mixed Pits - are the best dogs out there. Here are some things I've learned being a Pit parent.
1. People either love your dog, or hate them. There is no in-between
2. Despite their branding, they LOVE to cuddle...
3. And I'm pretty sure they think they're human
4. They're constantly underfoot
5. They are always happy, even if you're trying to dress them up
6. They make great hiking buddies
7. They're beyond loyal and protective
(Photo was taken from my tent after I woke up when I went camping over the summer)