Regardless of what sport you play, you probably spend the most time out of anyone with these girls-they have ultimately become your people. Sometimes the things that they put up with go unnoticed.
1. Dealing with the excessive amounts of TMI that you share.
Sorry for all of the gross stories that you guys have been blessed with due to my inability to stop talking. You guys are real troopers.
2. Always having my back when someone on the other team is being a real jerk.
I hope you know that this is a 2 way street no doubt. But Seriously thank you for all the times you helped me shit talk that girl on the bus ride home or cheered me on while she treated me like crap.
3. Never letting me eat alone.
Whether it's breakfast after a 6 a.m. lift, or dinner after practice I can always count on having someone just as hungry as me. So thanks for never letting me have to venture into the dining hall alone without someone to sit with. *Also thank you so much for not judging my weird eating habits.
4. Being my own personal therapists.
Sometimes you just need to yell, scream, cry, vent, explode, gloat, and brag. Sorry that you have to witness all of these sides of me- maybe even in one given day.
5. The giant group tutor/study sessions that are carried out.
With all of us being different majors and really good at certain things it really does allow for us to help each other in things that we may be weaker or struggling in. You don't even know how thankful I am for that.
6. Being my #1 fans.
There is probably no one more invested in my success as an athlete than you guys (other than maybe myself of course). Without you I don't know where I'd be- during the games, after the games, and all of the times in between. Your constant encouragement and support don't go unnoticed!
7. Basically being my Mom when I need it.
Whether I forgot my deodorant or I need someone to tell me to get my life together I know I can count on my team. If it's cold and I need a blanket I know you'll always share, and if I forgot to pack a snack someone is bound to have an extra.
8. You have given me countless memories and endless amounts of happiness.
This one is pretty self explanatory. From the inside jokes to the heart to hearts and team date nights, thanks for just being you, I don't know where I'd be without you. I love you guys endlessly.