Everyone says college is the best four years of your life, and that it will just fly by. No one really understands that until they wake up one morning and realize that their college life will be over in a month. Looking back on my time in college there are some things I wish I did differently.
1. Don’t just sit in your dorm
Yes, this is a whole new place and sure the first couple of months can become overwhelming, having to adjust to everything, but don’t just shut it all out and resort to Netflix. I would often just go to class and then walk back to my dorm and open up Netflix until my next class. Sure it’s the easy way to go, but you have so much more you could be doing with your time.
2. Don’t try to do EVERYTHING
It’s good to be involved in things around campus, so you don’t end up just sitting in your dorm all day, but don’t overdo it. Only join things that you are really interested in, and are willing to put the time and effort into. You don’t want to join a club, pay fees, and then never go to a meeting ever again. This is the time to explore and try new things.
3. Know when to say no
Just because all of your friends are going out doesn’t mean you have to every time. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do. Sometimes you just need some time for yourself. Never do anything or go somewhere just because everyone else is.
4. Remember you are here for an education
School should always be your number one priority. You are paying thousands of dollars (or taking out loans) to get an education for your future. Don’t waste it away, because not everyone has the chance to come to college and would kill to be in your place.
5. Don’t be afraid to change your mind
This is the time when you can change your major four times and really figure out who you are. This also goes for friends and relationships too, don’t stick to something that you don’t love and appreciate.
6. Don’t let the party life consume you
Yes, going to parties is always fun and a good way to forget about the stress that comes with being a college student, but don’t be that person that lets it take over your life. Coming to class not feeling good and forgetting about the test that was due last night, and ending up failing the class isn’t worth it. It ends up being more time you are here catching up on classes instead of starting your career.
7. Learn how to save your money
As a college student, money is the number one thing that everyone wants more of. It can be hard working and taking on a full semester of classes. This is one of the hardest things we college students struggle with, because we end up usually spending it on pointless things, and can’t afford to get groceries. Taking the time now to start saving your money will help you in the long run, especially if something serious comes up like your car breaking down or getting towed.
8. Don’t forget to make memories
This is the time to have fun and go crazy (not too crazy) and make some memories to share to your grandkids when you are older. If your friends are miserable, that doesn’t mean you have to be as well. Just smile and enjoy your time here. I know everyone says that but trust me when I say that, because after college is over you are going to hold on to the memories you make.
College has its ups and downs and trust me four years will go by before you know it. Don’t let it go to waste, and if something goes wrong, it’s not the end of the world. Just find the people that make you laugh and hold on to them. College is the best ride of your life. Enjoy it.