Its that time in the semester when everything starts getting all too real. Everything is happening at once and you don't know if you should just sit and cry, actually do some work, or go take a long nap and avoid responsibility. We are all experiencing way too much at the moment.
1.) All the tests
Every professor knows that every other one is having a test the same week and probably the same day but its college so they do not care. One time in high school my teacher found out another teacher was having a test the same day and switched our test to another day; don't ever expect that to happen again. So when you along with half of the student body are living in the study room, just know everyone understands.
2.) Running out of money
Yup. It's that point in the semester where all the money you saved all summer is gone, and you have no idea what you've spent it on. Getting a job is a terrible idea since it'll take up the extra time you have to go out, so it looks like you'll be begging mom and dad for some help.
3.) All your homework is due
For those teachers that give homework in bulk, they also all have it due at the same time. Did you use time management and do it piece by piece? Of course not. Now here you are on a Sunday trying to do it all before the next morning when it's due. Just remember this for the next homework assignment.
4.) Your liver hates you
You haven't had anything major due yet therefore your weekends, and some week nights, have been spent out with your friends with not a care in the world. But now you feel like a grandma/grandpa when thinking of going out, and you know that you will probably pass out if you try to go out and drink like you have been.
5.) Your sleep schedule is off
Spending the last few weeks doing as you please has not helped your sleep schedule. You're going to bed at 2 on a good night and not waking up 'til 12, even though you have those 8 and 10 ams. Let's get it together. New bed time is 11 pm and we're getting up at 8 am. We're all in this together.
6.) Gaining everything back
We all know how hard we've worked out this summer to get ourselves back together. That's all gone now that we have the munchies at 1 am every night, and we consider ice cream an acceptable meal.
7.) The plague
Somehow we have all managed to get sick at the same time. To the kid that sat behind me the other day and coughed all on my freshly washed hair, I'll let it slide this one time since I know we all have the same illness right now.
8.) All the stress
Yes, were all having a mental breakdown this week, but we'll all get through this together. Studying, sleeping, and eating habits are going back to normal now.