One thing that should be known about me is that I really like dogs; more importantly, I really like my dog. My family has a two year old black Labrador retriever named Otis. I also think dogs are much smarted than many people give them credit for. Once again, I think this is especially true for my dog--even if he doesn't always show it. There are a lot of things we can learn from our fury four-legged friends. So, with that said, here are nine things we can all learn from Otis.
1. Enjoy the simple things in life
Be it a candy bar, something crunchy or something healthy, we all have our favorite treats. If you were to ask Otis what his favorite treat is, he would probably say ice cubes. Not expensive dog treas. Not people food. Otis's favorite treat is the solid form of H2O. Something doesn't always have to be complicated or extravagant to be great; it can be as simple as having an ice cube for a treat.
2. It's okay to ask for help
Dogs do not have thumbs. You heard it here first, folks. That means most of them do not have the ability to open a door on their own. When Otis wants to go outside, he has to wait at the door for someone to let him out, and, as many dogs do, he will scratch at the door if he thinks he has been waiting too long. This is his way of asking for help. When there is something that you can not do on your own, there is no shame in asking for help.
3. You're never too big for the things you enjoyed when you were small
Otis is a 66 pound dog. However, one of his favorite places to lay is my lap. He doesn't really care that he is no longer at 15 pound puppy. This is because you can always enjoy the things you did when you were small--or at least try. I also completely understand the irony of using a picture of a cat in a list about dogs.
4. Be thankful for the luxuries you have
Otis's favorite worldly possession is the dog bed that he lays on before being put to bed each night. It seems to make him happier than just about anything. I think this is because he understands it is a great luxury.
5. Naps are essential
Otis will never pass up the opportunity to take a nap. Whether it is for five minutes or a few hours, sleep is an extremely precious thing. As people, we often times let other things take priority over sleep, and that can be seriously detrimental to one's health.
6. Never be afraid to speak your mind
Otis is not exactly what I would call a loud dog; however, if something upsets him or if he needs something, he will bark at you. The same needs to be true for people. If there is something going on in your world or your life that you think needs to be addressed, make yourself heard, even if you aren't always the most outspoken person.
7. A happy life requires balance
Otis's daily routine is centered around taking a nap in the sun on the deck and then taking a nap on the cool tile floor. That right there is balance. In our personal lives we need to find a balance between everything we have going on.
8. Never miss a meal
When it gets to be about 3:30 in the afternoon, Otis starts to get hungry, and he will let you know until he gets fed. Food is both extremely delicious and also vital for survival. I would not recommend regularly skipping meals... or snacks.