My boyfriend has been watching wrestling since he was a little kid. When we first started dating he never watched it when we were hanging out, but it was such a big part of his life that after we had been dating for a little while I told him I wanted to watch it with him. I figured I could watch it a few times and if I didn’t like it then I wouldn’t watch it anymore. As I watched with him I learned quite a few things about dating a fan of wrestling and I’m sure if you are dating someone who loves wrestling you will understand them too.
1. Anytime is a good time for an impromptu wrestling move
When you wake you in the morning, before you go to bed at night, when you’re trying to make dinner in the kitchen, no matter what you’re doing you better be on your toes. They will strike out of nowhere. When you least expect it you could be going to Suplex city or there may just be an RKO out of nowhere.
2. You are blamed for the Fact that Your Boyfriend Watches “Total Divas”
He will watch “Total Divas” and was probably already watching the show regularly before you started dating, but once you start dating if it gets brought up in conversation he will claim that he watches it because you want to watch it. And you may enjoy watching because I know I do, but I only started watching it because he watches it. Also if any of his friends are asked about “Total Divas” they will respond the same way and say that they also watch it, but only because their girlfriends/wives like to watch it. But we all know the truth.
3. You basically have to learn a whole new language
You will need to learn some wrestling references and terminology. Not only will this help you to understand more while watching wrestling and seeing it live, but it will also help in every day conversations with them because about ½ of their vocabulary will be wrestling references. And don’t even get me started on if you’re hanging out with them and their friends and you’re trying to understand what their talking about.
4. You don't make plans Monday night because you know you will be watching Monday Night Raw
Monday night is always set aside for wrestling. Plans are avoided at all costs on that night, but if you do have to make plans and can DVR it you better believe they will be watching it as soon as they get the chance even if it means staying up until 2:30 in the morning.
5. Don’t ever expect to have a normal hug
Most hugs will turn into a wrestling move. They will start out nice and then the next thing you know you’re getting tossed around in a belly-to-belly suplex.
6. Don’t ever ask if they’ve watched enough wrestling for the week. That’s an impossibility
WWE is not the only wrestling company, it just happens to be the most prominent one. There are quite a few other companies. There’s Lucha Underground, TNA, Ring of Honor, and House of Hardcore to name a few and he probably watches them all. This basically means that there is enough wrestling for them to watch a different show every night of the week. Now this may seem like a lot to you, but to them there is never enough.
7. Everyone knows NXT is better than WWE
NXT which is the developmental division for WWE is way better than the main division. This includes the live events as well. First and foremost it is only an hour a week which gives you time to miss it unlike WWE which has at least 5 hours of programming a week and that doesn’t include if there is a pay-per-view that week. Also NXT gives the women’s wrestling division there fair share of screen time. Their matches last more than two minutes and a lot of the time they get multiple matches at live shows. NXT is fresh and captivating.
8. You will probably end up loving it just as much as they do
I have been watching wrestling with my boyfriend for almost two years now and we also go to a lot of the live event and I can honestly say I love it. It’s so much fun and the live events have so much energy. I never in a million years would have thought I would start watching wrestling and now I’m completely hooked.