Seems like the older I get (and the more specialized my majors become), the less I really freak out about finals. This includes both papers and actual in-class tests. Over-stressing only made me procrastinate more and ultimately do worse. If you think about finals as any other assessments in your classes this semester, it can do wonders on your nerves. So save your nerves, read some of these pre-finals tips, yeah?
1. Overthinking about your work for finals- EH. Leaving thinking about work for when your actually doing work- GOOD.
Why stress over finals when you're eating, talking to a friend, at work, in class, or just sitting someplace relaxing? Seems like a waste of non-work time; precious time that doesn't come often.
2. Try not to spend too much time in the bowels of the library.
Let's be honest; when you're in the library from sun up to sun down, how much of that time do you actually spend studying?
3. Make time for "me" time.
Trying to balance the mounting stress of finals while continuing the same pace of your social life can be tough. So if you notice yourself getting over-stressed, say "later" to your buddies and carve out time for you.
4. Coffee isn't a cure-all.
Coffee is good. So so so good. It's quick, tastes great and it supposedly makes people more alert. But other outlets- like tea, vitamins, fresh fruit, or taking a break at the gym -can be just as helpful and more healthy in the long run.
5. Take MINI study breaks.
Whether in the library or sitting in your room, it helps to step away from your studies for anywhere from 5 minutes to half an hour. After that though, you should probably get back to work. Set an alarm that yells at you to get back to work.
6. If you're going to study with a friend(s), try to choose ones in the same classes as you.
If they happen to be productive, too, mad bonus points.
7. Pound water. Avoid the "disease" that engulfs most college campuses as the seasons change.
Happens every time. Just gotta be prepared for it.
8. And most definitely do not give up on personal hygiene. Hygiene is ALWAYS needed, for yourself and those around you. Brush those teeth, put some deodorant on those pits, just do it uppp.Seriously.
Hopefully, after trying a few of these tips, you'll have a more stress-free, rewarding finals experience.
Good luck on finals everyone,