1. Visit every carnival within a 20-mile radius of your town.
When you're scrolling through your snapchat stories and come across one of a carnival, you probably wonder where it is. Find out and go! Are they a waste of money? Most likely. Is every town's the same? Yes. Should you still go? Of course.
2. Get a job.
If you're going to be bored, you might as well be making money.
3. Visit a state park.
Instead of being on your phone inside, go outside and be on your phone! State parks and forest preserves are great for Pokemon Go (do people still play that?), or a photo shoot for your VSCO Cam feed.
4. Nothing
You are probably doing nothing, which is how you came across this article. Add to the already lazy, not productive stereotype Millennials and Generation Z have already had casted upon them. It's true, anyway.
5. Summer school.
It may be a little late, and you may throw up in your mouth at the sound of it, but it could be beneficial. Summer school is typically easier than regular school, and you'll have more time during the school year to do nothing. Thank me (and yourself) later.
6. Binge watch on Netflix.
You'll probably end up doing it, this is just your reminder to start or continue.
7. Sleep
Do I even need to explain myself on this one? If you don't like sleep, look at the rest of this list.
8. Look up conspiracy theories.
These seem to be a trend lately, and you'll probably end up believing one(s) you shouldn't. My favorites are the Avril Lavigne is dead theory, and Walmart is being turned into concentration camps theory.