As happy as you might be in your college town, there will always be certain things from home that you just can't find at school. Make sure to take advantage of them before you go back. You never know how much you miss something until it's gone. That applies to food as well.
1. Go to your favorite restaurant and eat the meal your going to miss the most. No matter have many carbs it has.
There's always going to be that one restaurant you miss while you're away at school, and no matter how hard you try you can't find a place that can replicate their buffalo chicken wrap with fries and ranch dressing.
2. Have one last night out with your best friend before you are separated again.
Whether it's just dinner and a movie or going to a party in your hometown, don't forget to spend time with your best friend. Especially if you're going to be away from each other.
3. Spend a night in with your parents.
It will mean more to them than you know, and you'll probably laugh more than most of your nights home.
4. Go to the place you'll miss most while your away.
Your favorite place in your hometown can never be replaced. There's something calming about this safe place that really is home.
5. Eat your favorite home cooked meal with your family.
There's nothing quite like your favorite meal with your family.
6. Pay extra attention to your pets.
The most comfort you can receive at home is the pets you grew up with and they will miss you when you're gone.
7. See all of your family.
You might not see your extended family all the time, but make a point to see them before you leave.
8. Go eat at Chick-Fil-A for breakfast and lunch because you won't have it at school.
Those 1000 calories will be worth it when you can't have it for 2 months.