We are in the summer months now and color is popping out on freshly manicured nails, summer bags, and fun dresses. If you're like me, you understand what a black wardrobe stands for. Although summer has made its way, black knows it's here to stay. Here are some things my fellow black wardrobe lovers know to be true. Tweet me some of your favorite parts and challenges you face from having an all black wardrobe!
1.Laundry is less annoying.
Surprise! Just stick the whole load in, because there is nothing to separate. The dreaded laundry day has gotten a whole lot easier. Let’s face it. Laundry sucks no matter what, but with your great life choices it just got a lot more simple.
2.Picking an outfit is still going to take a trial and error run, but at least the color scheme is already set out.
Which black skirt goes best with this black top? There are other problems in the world. No-one has time to worry over such trivial matters.
3.When the time comes to wear color, you don’t know how to act.
I have to match an outfit together? At this point it’s actually a treat in disguise. Wearing black is such a simple sophistication that enhances your inner sense of style. When the rare moment of having to wear color arrives, it’s an opportunity to for a new kind of play.
4. An all black look says so much in such little effort.
You’re basically a walking photograph. If one picture says a thousand words, then one color says all the words and numbers you didn’t even know existed.
5.You know what you want and are determined to get it.
Along with the sophistication that comes with a black wardrobe a strong sense of self is also part of the package. If you wear black you probably have a clear idea of what you want and how you’re going to achieve it.
6.Nothing is more annoying than seeing your favorite black jeans fade from excessive wash and dry.
There comes a day when the black fades. There are some detergents that cater to darker clothing, but it’s a death all black wardrobe lovers must come to terms with.
7.The imaginary line of separation that exists when someone criticizes you for your all black wardrobe.
Some people just don’t get it. It’s fine since we all come from different walks of life, but it does get a little weird when a person says something about your all black wardrobe. You’re not judging them. You’re just realizing you are both two very different people and must now reevaluate the entire relationship.
8.The relationship you possess with your wardrobe is the relationship you possess with life.
Wearing black every single day is an honor. Black can be considered as a highlighter. It highlights all of your features in a simple yet powerful way. Life is just the same. Pay attention to the subtleties. It'll make all the difference!