I do not consider myself a morning person, but I am never short for thoughts when I wake up. Sometimes I only leave myself a small amount of time to get ready, but nonetheless, my mind crams all of these things and more into the time it has. Here is a list of some of the things I think about before getting out of bed.
How Annoying My Alarm’s Noise Sounds
Face it - nobody enjoys hearing their alarm in the mornings. Your alarm is what wakes you up and makes you start your day, even if you’re still exhausted. If your alarm sounds anything like mine, it’s rude. My heart skips a beat when I hear it. If I’m in public and hear any sound remotely close to it, I feel like I should be getting out of bed. This is why so many people hit snooze.
How Much Longer I Can Stay In Bed Before I Actually Have To Get Up
Since I’m not a morning person, I like to stay in bed until the last possible minute I can get up and get ready for the day. Nothing feels better than knowing that I can stay under the covers a few minutes more.
Going Back To Sleep
After I calculate how much time I have until I really have to get out of bed, I normally set another alarm (or five) and roll over to sleep more. Something about this extra 10 minutes of sleep allows me to feel better-rested than I was when I woke up the first time. I think that’s because the alarm doesn’t sound as harsh after 10 minutes of sleep versus 8 hours of sleep.
How Much Sleep I Got
I enjoy figuring out how much sleep I got the previous night because I put myself into a certain mindset accordingly. If I got less sleep than I really should have, I’ll encourage myself into taking on the day, hour-by-hour. If I got enough or more sleep than I normally function with, I don’t have to spend energy trying to keep the adrenaline flowing.
My Schedule for the Day
I’m a busy girl. I typically have many things to do every day so I keep a constant mental calendar of what I have to accomplish each day and prepare myself before getting out of bed so I know what’s coming up that day.
What I Should Wear
What I wear goes along with my schedule for each day. Am I working? Meeting friends? Going to the gym? What I’m doing and what the weather is like determines what I wear each day so I think about all of the other factors before going to my closet.
What My Dreams Were (If I had any)
Dreams are best remembered immediately after you wake up. I enjoy vividly recalling what I dreamed about the night before in order to re-live the dream before I forget it.
Checking My Phone
I’m sad to say I do fall into the category of people that check their phone before getting out of bed in the morning. It’s easy to check it when my alarm is also on my phone. Checking my phone is a quick and easy way to catch up on life before starting my day.