Whether you hate him or love him, you can't deny that Bernie Sanders' campaign for President of the United States is one to be commended. Being almost entirely funded on personal donations of (on average) $20 from everyday Americans, Bernie, although he doesn't have the democratic nomination, has sparked a flame of revolution and change. Other than this exceptional feat, the internet has blown up with quotes, memes and of course...doppelgangers. Here are eight of the best (and funniest) Bernie Sanders look-a-likes.
1. This baby.
2. (Rightfully so) this Vermont Teddy Bear.
3. This bird. Now known lovingly as, "Birdie Sanders."
4. Everyone's favorite "Back To The Future" mind, Doc Emmett Brown.
5. This cactus.
6. Larry David.
7. The Mad Hatter (original cartoon version).
8. This hungover cat.
We love you, Bernie!