There's something attractive about people who are confident. They walk with ease, and grace and without any fear of the future. People with confidence seem to light up any room they enter and from the outside can seem to be able to handle anything life throws at them. When you look at successful people in the world, there's one thing they all have in common: confidence.
So why is confidence so hard to come by? It may be due to a distorted truth that we don't deserve it or maybe we lack confidence in an attempt to keep humility. Whatever the reason may be, there are some really awesome things that happen in your life when you decide to choose confidence. When you decide to live confidently you set yourself apart from everyone else. You begin to live differently and here's how:
1. You don't take things personally.
When you choose to live confidently, you know who you are and what you stand for. You have a positive and accurate depiction of yourself and because of this, you don't take negative criticism to heart. You can see the bright side of everything and won't begin to have self-doubt over a comment made by someone who doesn't know you like you do.
2. You stop comparing yourself to others
Comparison is a thief of joy, and you know that. Comparison also comes from a place of insecurity. When you choose to live confidently you no longer have a reason for comparison. You're able to see and appreciate the great things about everyone.
3. You're able to celebrate everyone and everything.
With confidence comes celebration. A person who lives confidently is able to appreciate greatness and accomplishments. When friends or family reach a milestone or receive recognition for something, it's no longer something to be envious about. You can genuinely celebrate them and be happy for them because you know that their accomplishment is simply about them. It says nothing less about you.
4. You make decisions.
Confidence takes away the need or desire to constantly be reassured by others. You're able to make decisions about important things, just as easily as deciding what you should wear. You no longer need others opinions about what is right for you, because you know the best answer will come to yourself.
5. You know your strengths and weaknesses.
Being confident doesn't mean you think you are great at everything. With confidence comes self-awareness. You know what you're great at but you also know what you're not so great at and in addition to that, you're not afraid to ask for help.
6. You are okay with not knowing.
The unknowns in life are no longer seen as a scary thing, but seen as a chance for opportunity. You know that there is a plan for your life and not exactly knowing what comes next in that plan is okay. You can see the unknowns in life as exciting and with no limitations for what you're able to do next.
7. You're not afraid to try new things
The main reason people don't try new things in life is because they are afraid of failing. But you know that failure is expected in life and it doesn't define you as a person. You can try new things and find new hobbies because you aren't afraid of people seeing you fail. Also, when you try new things you find new things you're good at, which only builds your confidence even more.
8. You begin to have a positive outlook on life
When you choose confidence, your attitude on things change. You see life in a positive way. Confidence causes you to stop focusing inwardly, but puts your focus and efforts outwardly. When you take a second to stop focusing on you but rather, on everything around you, you can't help but begin to see things in a positive light.
At the end of the day, the simple choice to live confidently causes a ripple effect on the rest of your life. Choosing to live confidently shows that you're ready to make a positive change in your life and the lives of others.
As Blake Lively says, "the most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence."