We heard it all throughout high school - college is much different than anything you've ever known. The work is harder, the nights are longer, and the stakes are higher. While this is all true, there are some things about college life that you can't quite categorize.
1. Wearing the same thing two days in a row.
When you have some classes Monday/Wednesday/Friday and some Tuesday/Thursday, you can wear the same sweater on Monday and Tuesday. Your M/W/F life doesn't need to know about your T/Th life.
2. Realizing you haven't eaten all day.
Wait... it's 2 PM, I'm on my way to work for four hours, and I haven't eaten anything? Whoops. Not the first time that's happened. Oh well.
3. Walking home after class and realizing you're actually walking to the library.
4. Speaking of this concept of free time - not having any.
5. Waking up. Yeah, just waking up.
Not even remembering when or how you fell asleep with a notebook on your bed. Just waking up to the iPhone alarm that sounds like death personified with class in fifteen minutes. And yes. The class is across campus. Happy Monday!
6. The struggle of trying to find a place to sit in the library during midterms/finals.
You go to the library with the idea of getting some serious studying done, but there's just one problem: there's nowhere to sit. Literally nowhere. Everyone is shooting for that 3.0 just like you are. And even if you find a spot, the struggle to keep that spot if you need to grab lunch is inevitable, too. Good thing they're putting a cafe in the library so you never have to leave! #homesweethome7. Speaking of the library - never actually checking out a book out of the library.
You're literally surrounded by books, but you don't ever check one out. Everything is on the Internet these days. Classic millennials.8. Working on something due next week when you have stuff due tomorrow.
It gives the illusion of getting ahead when you're truly behind. The logic. No, you haven't started that ten page research paper due at midnight, but you've started the reading for next week! #productivity
Basically, college itself is a struggle. But you know what? You're struggling with a community of mutual struggle. That's what makes the strug worth it.