Summer is finally in full swing. We are finally getting a break after a long, hard two semesters. It is a time of relaxation, fun, late night bond fires, and early mornings with the grass covered in dew. Every time I open Facebook it seems like someone is off hiking or snorkeling or partaking in some fabulous adventure somewhere new. Meanwhile many of my friends and I are stuck at home. So I decided to compile a list of summer activities that are supposed to happen and what actually happens.
Family Vacations
For some of you lucky human beings you will get to go avoid the world with the fam for a week. The rest of us have to go work at our summer jobs, many of which do not want to allow a summer employee off for an entire week.
I know a lot of people love spending a few days in the woods. But if you want to make it a big family vacation then you are going to run into the same problems as above. The exception for this one is if you work at a summer camp.
Concerts/Music Festival
I see so many of these pop up I wonder if some of my friends do nothing else. I also wonder where they get the money to go to these things. Between the ticket, food, lodging, transportation at least a month’s work would be eaten up.
Sleeping all day and binge watching Netflix all night
I am pleased to report that this one actually does happen whenever possible. Maybe not Netflix but reading, cooking, playing Candy Crush, you name it any leisurely activity used to procrastinate at school you can do freely at home. At least you can on the days you are not working.
Hanging out with old friends from high school
This is another one where I am pleased to report does happen. Maybe not as often as you would like, usually because of opposing work schedules.
Visiting Friend’s from College
If you’re friends happen to live close, at least one of you can drive and has a car, and your schedules line up than this might happen. But if your friends are far away or no one has a car than might as well let this one go.
Working a Summer Job
It’s actually the entire summer to be completely honest.
Missing college and all of your friends
This is the only thing I can say with absolute certainty that will happen on this entire list. Summer is when I realized how much college means to me. My campus with it’s overly political environment has become home. My friends are a stand in family. DC streets my own little stomping ground. All it things I cannot wait to be reunited with.