Best friends are simply a key to happiness. They mean more than anything to you in the world. They are those special individuals who you run to when you ace that test you have been worrying about, when the cute boy from your class asks you to hang out, or when you have the best idea for a weekend getaway. They are also the ones who are there to help you get over a boy, forget your last test grade, or give you that little pep talk to cheer you up. Whether they are right down the hall, or road, or 900 miles away, they are the ones you can count on no matter the time, but sometimes in our crazy lives we forget to remind them how significant they really are. This is a reminder for all the awesome best friends out there.
1.I am thankful for you.
Who could not be grateful to have a friend like you? I am so thankful that I have someone like you to deal with this crazy world.
2.I am proud of you.
You do amazing things, and I know those things will continue throughout your life. I am proud to call you one of my best friends.
3.Always keep your head up.
There are going to be bad days, but don't let that get in your way. You're an awesome person who deserves everything good this world has to offer. Don't ever be discouraged because you're the one I go to when I need a smile or a laugh.
4. I am always here for you.
I will support you in whatever you do; wherever you need me I will be there ready to help in whatever way I can, because I know you would be there doing the same for me. No matter if we are down the hall or 958 miles apart, I’m here... always.
5.You rock, never change.
I sincerely mean that. You are one of the most magnificent people I know, so keep doing what you are doing.
6.Thank you.
Where do I even begin? Thank you for being you, thank you for accepting my craziness, thank you for being honest with me when I need it, thank you for sharing food, sharing your closet, oh, and sharing so many memories with me. The list could go on and on.
7.I need you in my life.
You have become such a big part of my life; I do not know what I would do without you. You have always been there for me, and I can never repay you for everything you have done. I honestly could not live without you.
8. I love you.
The saying goes “tell your loved ones you love them because you may not ever get another chance.” So, I love you. You are seriously such an amazing person, and I am more than appreciative to have you in my life. You truly understand me like no one else.