My procrastination is not just a part of my school life, it has become my lifestyle by now. Although I am always finding new ways to procrastinate, even though I know it is a bad habit and I should probably stop sooner than later, I do have some that will always be my ultimate favorites. And after making this list, I realized that half of my procrastination time involves the wonderful internet, but I suppose half is better than most.
1. Friends
M friends are always there to help me procrastinate. Between being couch potatoes and just watching TV and going out in the middle of the night to play some baseball, I can always count on them if I ever need to procrastinate on schoolwork or life. The best part is that with them I always have a good time and I can be myself.
2. Writing in my poetry/idea journal
Although I mostly just write down some incomplete gibberish that only makes sense to me, I would rather do this anytime than my actual responsibilities. There is a blissful feeling of just zoning out the chaotic world and just concentrating on myself and all the ideas I have locked up in my wonderful little brain. Imagination and words are two beautiful aspects that when you combine them together you get something so mythical and astonishing and I love contributing to that art.
3. Reading
I often find myself grabbing a book or scrolling through my iBook or Kindle application for one. I have always loved reading and I personally enjoy passing my time inside the wonders of the words. Or, I simply find articles online to fill my brain with some quick knowledge, depending on the article topics. However, this often leads to reading article after article after article, and next thing I know an hour has passed.
4. Netflix
I love love Netflix, especially since I do not actually watch TV anymore. This one is kind of a no brainer because Netflix just seems to be loved in a universal level. Free streaming of movies and shows, what is not to love? If you all want to know, I am currently binging on Friends, causally watching The Walking Dead and I am awaiting for the second season of The Seven Deadly Sins.
I won't even get into movies because that would be a longer read.5. Pintrest
I am going to be honest, I can spend hours on this app because there are so many neat ideas on here! I love scrolling down and just finding new things that I want to do or cook. There are even some cool life hacks that I found on Pinterest. I mostly use if or food ideas, beauty tips, and for little crafts I can do. It is also so convenient just to have everything in one place instead of writing them down in a place you might forget about later.
6. YouTube
This one is another no brainer, because everyone is on YouTube. There are so many useful ways YouTube can be used and I absolutely love that. For example, my mother learned how to knit scarfs and hats from here and also learned new recipes. I, however, use YouTube more for entertainment purposes and as a news anchor.
7. Taking Pictures
This one is kind of a newer hobby of mine, so maybe that is why it did not score so high in the list. But, I have always found taking pictures as a great pleasure of mine and for the longest time I just used whatever phone I had at the time. I have recently been playing around with more professional cameras and testing the waters. Nonetheless, I enjoy being able to go out and take pictures and improving along the way.
8. Arts & Crafts
I have recently found that instead of doing work, I prefer to grab my canvases and paint random stuff on them. It all started when I was making my paddle for my Big for APO when I would prefer to work on my paddle instead of my actual work due the next day, and from then on I loved how calming and relaxing it was to paint. However, I recently found this neat procrastination and I am not the greatest when it comes to having to brainstorm for ideas for art. Go figure.