Getting your first kitten is the most exciting feeling in the world. I mean, come on. Who doesn't like kittens!? They are very cute and cuddly. Before I got my kitten no one had prepared me for the worst, I was just set on the exciting parts about getting the kitten. Like the snuggles, and at how adorable and perfect they are. But what I wish is that someone had written a list of things that I needed to prepare for. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret my decision, but to be mentally prepared for all these different situations in the early stages of a kittens life would've been nice. So before getting a kitten look through this list and if you don't think you can handle one of them...I wouldn't suggest adopting a kitten. But it is so so so so worth it. Watching the kitten grow, become so curious, and bond with you is so special!
1. When you first take them home they will be full of snuggles and they will sleep right on you. And when I mean right on you; sometimes you wake up with them asleep on your face.
I was looking forward to having a cuddle buddy and I knew she was going to want to sleep on me but no one ever told me that I would wake up in the morning with her nuzzled up in my neck or literally on my head/face. It is so adorable but some nights I didn't sleep well because I was constantly worried I would roll over and squish her!! She was very tiny.
2. Put their litter box somewhere you don't go often because boy, does kitten poop stink up the room within seconds.
So I have other pets and I know feces, dog pee, and cat pee do really smell! I figured with a kitten she is so tiny, right? She won't even poop that much and when she does it will be so tiny and I won't even smell it...So uhhh, I was very wrong. Not only did some of it get stuck to her long fur, but the smell was horrific. Like, I work at a daycare so I can handle smelly diapers but oh boy this one was like never before. Every time she poops the odor is not manageable what-so-ever. So be prepared for that and have their litter box somewhere you don't go often!
3. 5 AM wake up calls. As soon as they are awake they are full of energy, ready to eat, and to start their day.
I didn't think having a kitten in the mornings would be similar to having a newborn. My kitten thinks that at 5 AM everyone should be awake and ready to play. I wake up to licking on my face or arms and her laying across my chest and batting at my face. Yes it is adorable but at 5 in the morning the cuteness dies WAY down.
4. Daily baths.
It really is adorable but odd at the same time when your kitten gives you a "bath," it is like they are subtly trying to tell you you really need to shower.
5. You're going to be a human toy.
You become this kitten's human toy. From your feet to your hair everything excites them; it is like you are a walking scratching post to them. Everywhere I go, she's attacking at my feet or biting my hands. My battle wounds from her are endless.
6. Boxing partner? Sure.
The cutest thing kittens and some cats do is their batting. It looks like they are boxing and it is seriously adorable until its nonstop at 5 in the morning.
7. This cat will be your shadow.
Everything you do, everywhere you go your kitten WILL be there. On the toilet, in the shower, doing your hair, your kitten is there to watch every second and constantly has to know where you are. And there is no tricking them!
8. Odd sleeping positions.
I sometimes find my kitten sleeping in the oddest ways. The worst is when they are laying right on you and their feet are practically in your mouth. Cute and weird sleeping positions call for cute pictures though!!