1: People don't just come out and say they disagree with your hair.
I've had pink, purple and blue hair now, and I can honestly say I have never had someone come up to me and tell me that they hate my hair.
2: When you first start, you sometimes forget your hair isn't a natural color.
Several times I've looked at my friends and asked why that person is staring at me, only to have them look at me, dumbfounded, and just state, "You have blue hair..."
3: It looks amazing when you style it.
When you put it in a braid, or bun and the colors swirl.... it's so magestic <3
4:You might have the urge to match everything you wear with it...
Even though you already wore that floral top that perfectly offset your pink curls yesterday, and the green top just won't work for today.
5: You can use your hair as the staple in your outfit.
Want to wear black and gray, but don't want to look all one color scheme that day? BAM! HAIR!
6: When people like your hair, they let you know.
Everywhere you go people tell you they like your hair and ask you if you did it yourself; its a nice little reminder that you are unique and that's something people admire.
7: You gain a bit of confidence in your choices.
With bold hair comes the confidence to wear it. You love these colors and its your hair so that's why you made such a bold choice. Now that it's all said and done, you realize you were right and it's always a boost for the ego when you're right!
8: You smile every time you look in the mirror.
I mean, who wouldn't smile at their hair being rainbow??? It's just so happy and colorful!