For some, the morning brings happiness, productivity, and a fresh start. For others, it brings sadness, anger, and a sense of dread. I belong in that second category of morning haters. Waking up is a chore, coffee is my savior and my bed is my best friend. I have yet to figure out how some people are so functional in the mornings and love it so much. Morning people are a separate breed of their own and will never relate to these 10 things people who hate mornings understand.
1. Waking up is by far the worst part of your day.
Why would you want to leave your warm bed and your blanket burrito?
2. It's impossible to wake you up.
If anyone has tried to get you out of bed, they know it isn't a feat for the weak.
3. You set multiple alarms.
As if only one alarm will work... yeah right.
4. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze.
Let's be real here,
the snooze button is just a way to pretend like you're getting more sleep.
5. Coffee is your best friend.
If by any chance you had to be awake before noon, the only way you can even slightly function is with the help of caffeine.
6. What is breakfast?
Since you usually wake up 10 minutes before you need to leave, breakfast isn’t usually on your list of morning tasks… although it should be.
7. You already plan bedtime the second you get up.
‘’I can be in bed by 5pm tonight, let’s just push through the day.”
8. You hate and are confused by morning people.
It’s impossible to be that productive and happy when the sun isn’t even up.