When you say the word "twin," most people would think of the "Parent Trap" or something. But not all twins are same-sex and like most twins, I still constantly get asked multiple questions once someone knows I have a twin brother. Here are a few.
1. "Do you like being a twin?"
I'm sure all twins get asked this, but my response is always, "I don't know any different," because that's the truth -- but yes, yes I do. I constantly refer to my twin as my '"Day 1" or "other-half" and not only because he literally is those things, but because I'm very lucky to have someone I know will always be at my side and supportive.
2. "Are you identical?"
I always kind of laugh when I get asked this question. Even when people can clearly see that I am a girl and I tell them I have a twin brother, they still ask. I simply smile and re-point out that I'm a female and he is a male so no, we are not identical. Usually then they understand what they asked and just blush and laugh.
3. "Do y'all look alike?"
Once it's settled that we are not identical, this question is soon to follow. Personally, I never thought me and my twin looked alike, but as we're getting older I see it more. Some people have always told us yes and some no, so I guess it's a matter of opinion. I always just respond with, "We look related."
4. "Who's older?"
I never really understood why this question mattered because at the end of the day, we are still the same age, but I don't mind because I'm the older twin...by two minutes.
5. "Are y'all dating?"
Now I know this sounds strange, but for opposite gender twins, people will just constantly see you talking to each other and in Facebook pictures together and not realize you have the same last name and are related. Even sometimes when my twin comes to visit me at college, we will go to dinner I will take the check and the waitress will make an ugly face because I know she thinks I'm paying for our "date." But no lady, it's OK, that is just my brother and now you made it very awkward.
6. "Does your twin go to school here, too?"
Now that I'm in college this is probably the No.1 question I get asked. But no, we do not go to school together and live in the same town anymore. Although we miss each other very much and will always be close, we still have our own lives and journeys to go on.
7. "If he gets hurt do you feel it?"
No, because we are twins and not voodoo dolls. If my twin gets upset or sad, obviously I hurt too because I care about him, but that happens to everyone. However, I do like to blame my random headaches or things on him because I think it's funny.
8. "Do you wish your twin was the same sex as you?"
As much as I would love to have a sister and the idea that we maybe could've switched places, I love having a twin that is not the same gender as me. It's amazing to have a sibling the same age as you and go through life events at the same time as you, but to not have to feel the pressure of competing against each other because we are different genders. I don't have to deal with the "who's prettier" thing.