Before leaving for your first year of college, family and friends will often try to give you the “run down” on how they believe your first year of college will go, mostly based on their experiences.
But, DO NOT BE FOOLED! I quickly learned that everyone’s college experience is a little bit different. Especially their first year. Here are eight things i learned during my first semester of college.
1. College gives you an opportunity to be who you want to be…
It’s a fresh start. It’s a chance to mold yourself into the person you longed to be for so long. Take advantage of it! Figure out who you want to be and what you can do to make your ideal “you” a reality.
2. Keep an open mind when you meet new people…
I have come to notice that I met some of my closest friends in the weirdest places. From waiting in the line at Starbucks, a chat room app called “Quad” or the on-campus Christian student ministry, I have met some of the best friends ever. And I met them in the most unlikely of places.
3. Go to class…
No matter what “brilliant” excuse you come up with, it won’t make up for the content you missed in class the day you skipped. Typically, each lecture piggybacks off of the one before it. So, missing a 50 minute class doesn’t seem like a lot until you’re sitting in the back of the room wondering why you thought it was a good idea to stay in bed and watch five more episodes of Grey's Anatomy rather than going to your 11 a.m. math class.
4. Studying for a high school class is way different than studying for a college class…
Taking a quick skim through the study guide right before a test or quiz isn’t going to cut it anymore. Learn how you retain information best and study enough time before your exam to make sure you are confident in yourself!
Also, it’s OKAY to ask for help! From tutoring, seeing your professor during office hours or attending study groups, those resources are there to help you! USE THEM!
5. Watch what you eat…
The Freshman 15 (or in my case, 400) is REAL. Especially if you catch yourself constantly heading to the dining hall for a few slices of pizza and soft serve or snacking while you’re studying into the wee hours of the morning. NO ONE wants to get home and look in the mirror realizing you really let yourself go. There are always healthy options surrounding you, and you won’t regret taking a couple hours out of your week to go to the gym.
6. Meet people from your major and hang out with them…
You already share something you are passionate about and you will ALWAYS have a study buddy on hold whenever you need it. You also will have someone to relate to when you both have that crazy professor whose grading scale looks like Morse Code.
7. Stay strong in your faith…
During your first semester, your life changes. You transition from being a kid, constantly depending on mom and dad, to an adult having to fend for themselves. But always keep in mind that God is always there and he will never leave your side.
It's easy to push God to the side and not worry as much about your relationship with him when you’re struggling to get through your first year. But trust me when I tell you that it’s best to get connected with students on campus with a huge heart for Jesus. Not only do they keep me in check, but, they also give the best advice and know exactly what you need to hear, when you need to hear it. It’s also nice to have awesome prayer warriors whenever you need it.
8. HAVE FUN!!!!
Do I really have to explain this one?
Now to survive my second year… This will be interesting…