This Thanksgiving, I find that I have a lot of things to be thankful for, that many other people should be thankful for as well that aren't given enough credit.
1. I have the money to go to a very good college.
A lot of people out there do not have the money to go to prestigious colleges. I have the capability to go to a great school for post high school education and that makes me and all the others who do lucky.
2. I have a roof over my head
The number of people who don't have a home this Thanksgiving is huge, so I consider myself lucky to have a roof over my head and have somewhere warm to live.
3. I am not gravely ill.
There are many people in the country alone who are suffering from grave illnesses. I am largely thankful that I, and my immediate family are in good health, and I pray for those who are sick.
4. I have parents who care very much about me.
Growing up, I complained a lot about my parents being nosy and being in my business but now, at 18, I feel so thankful that I have parents who cared so much about my as a child and still do now. I am one of the lucky ones.
5. I have food on the table and water in the fridge.
A lot of people have little to no food and nothing to drink, so I consider myself extremely lucky that I am able to eat and drink.
6. I have a close relationship with my parents
This one is less common, but I consider myself extremely lucky to have a close relationship with my parents. I do not know what I would do without them, so I am thankful to have them.
7. I've never known poverty.
This is a big one. I have never known what it felt like to go to sleep hungry or go to sleep in the cold without a blanket. I've never known what it feels like to not have enough money to feed me or to keep a home. That makes me extremely lucky and gives me something huge to be thankful for.
8. My parents are still married and together.
These days divorce seems like an epidemic, so I consider myself lucky to have two parents who are still living and still happily married.
I consider myself to be extremely lucky to have all of the things that I have in my life, and I try not to take a single one of those things for granted. I found it important to acknowledge all of the things that I have to be thankful for in my life, and I think that each and every person should sit and think about what they have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, because there are so many people who are less fortunate who do not have things. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and to those who don't celebrate Thanksgiving, Happy Holidays!