1. You get…comfortable.
In the beginning, you wouldn’t dare burp or do anything less than appealing in front of your significant other. Now? The fart barrier has been broken, you leave the door open when you go to the bathroom, and you may even pop each other’s pimples (if you’re weird like that). You don't even bother putting on makeup, because you are usually in sweatpants (or a fashionable onesie).
2. You start to bicker like your grandparents.
You’re not afraid to disagree; in fact, you almost willingly disagree just for the sake of it. Arguing (about literally nothing of importance) has become the new making out, and you won’t stop until your S.O. agrees that The Bachelor is DEFINITELY more important than any other Monday night show, am I right? You have to live vicariously through someone.
3. You start to act like each other.
You tell the same jokes (and laugh at them even though they aren't funny), you watch the same Netflix shows, and you read the same BuzzFeed articles. Whenever you go out to eat, you both scream “CHIPOTLE!” at the same time. Face it, you have become your S.O. Embrace it.
4. People see you as one half of a whole.
At this point, everyone knows you are together, so when you go places without each other, everyone asks where the other is. When you’ve grown up dating someone, all your friends know you as a couple. You learn to accept it, and really, if you like the person you’re dating, take it as a compliment.
5. People tell you you’re an “old married couple.”
It’s been years, and you’re old news. You bicker about the most minuscule things, you own a pet together, and your friends call you mom and dad. Nothing exciting going on here, we’re just the old married couple of the group. We even take color-coordinated pictures you could put on a Christmas card. We're about as old as it gets.
6. Their family becomes your family.
Not only do you get a boyfriend, you also get a whole second family! That’s twice the amount of people who love and care about you, twice the amount of fun, and yes, twice the amount of lectures. But when you run into a mailbox, take out your side mirror, and run into your S.O.’s house freaking out, you’ll be thankful to have another mom to calm you down.
7. You know you’re not alone.
When you do poorly on a test, you get in a fight with your best friend, or something happens in your family, your S.O. is always there to pick you up. After years of dating, they know what to say to comfort you and make things better. Knowing someone is always there for you no matter what is one of the best feelings in the world.
8. You become each other’s best friend.
There is no one that understands me more than my S.O., who has known me and stood by my side for years. There is no one I would rather call when I’m sad, happy, or just in need of a conversation. There is no one I’d rather Netflix and chill with or go to a party with. There’s something to be said for new and exciting, but I’ll take my “boring old married couple” relationship instead any day. Not too mention you have hundreds of #tbt pictures.