Like many other women, I wear makeup. I personally think it is fun to wear, is a cool way to be creative, and gives my face a bit of an extra glow that I like to show off. Many women choose not to wear makeup, and that is absolutely fine as well — makeup is not for everyone. However, many makeup-wearers, including me, receive many negative comments about our choice to wear makeup. Here are some comments that people who wear makeup hear often, and very much dislike to hear:
1. “But you look so pretty without makeup!”
Okay, we know that people who say this do not mean any harm at all, so do not feel like a terrible person if you have said this. I do appreciate what you are trying to tell me: I am naturally pretty and do not need to conform to society’s pressure to wear makeup. But not everyone wears makeup because they are insecure about their appearance—many girls, including me, like to wear it because it is a way for us to show off our creativity and complement our outfits and accessories. In saying this, you are assuming that we are insecure, which is not necessarily true.
In addition, many girls simply feel more confident in themselves when they are wearing makeup, and spend a lot of time investing in makeup. When you say that we would look “so pretty” without it, what we understand is that all the time and money we spend making ourselves look how we want is useless. You would never tell a person who does not wear makeup that they look much prettier with it because they are confident in how they look without it — telling the opposite to girls who do wear makeup essentially causes the same harm. We do appreciate what you are trying to tell us, but that is not what we want to hear.
2. “You would not be as pretty if you did not wear so much makeup.”
Wow, what did you think this comment was going to accomplish? It obviously does not make me want to wear less makeup because then people like you will just tell me that I do not look pretty. This is the opposite of #1, and far worse. Telling anyone in any situation a sentence that starts with “You would not be as pretty if ...” is simply unacceptable. Also, some girls do wear makeup because they, unfortunately, feel insecure about their appearance. Telling them this is exactly what they do not need to hear — that makeup is the only reason they are pretty. And what is wrong if makeup makes someone feel prettier? Everyone has their own way of making themselves feel confident and some choose to do that with makeup.
3. “Who would want to spend that much money on makeup?”
It is perfectly reasonable for some people to not want to spend money on makeup. But guess what? I do. Of course there are many other products I could buy, but I prefer to buy makeup, and how I spend my money is none of your business.
4. “You look the same with makeup as you do without.”
Thanks for telling me that I spend all of my monthly savings on beauty products just so I can look, um, the exact same. Even if you think this is true, please just keep it to yourself.
5. “I prefer girls who don’t wear makeup."
I was not looking to impress you in the first place. I wear it because I like how it looks. If you like girls who do not wear makeup, then good for you — find one who does not. I will find someone who appreciates me for how I like to make myself look.
6. “Aren’t you basically lying to the world by wearing makeup?”
Of course, I am totally trying to convince the world that my lips are naturally bright red, my eyelids are purple, and my skin has absolutely no blemishes. Because, like, it will be a huge tragedy if someone ever finds out that I do not *gasp* actually have sparkly pink cheeks.
7. “Why do you need so many different products?”
Why does an artist need so many different paints? Why does a chef need so many different flavorings? Why does a human need so many different clothes to wear? There is more than one way to do almost everything, including makeup. Makeup is one of my hobbies, and I do not necessarily want to create the exact same look on my face every time I use makeup, so, like any other creator, I happen to need a variety of products. #sorrynotsorry
8. “Can you show me how to do my makeup?”
We actually only hate this statement depending on who says it. If you are someone who thinks makeup is cool, admires my passion for it, and would like to gain experience with it, then I would absolutely love to tell you about it! However, if you have said any of the above statements to me or to other girls and think makeup is useless and a waste of time? Go find someone else to help you. Bye.