Every nurse's kid know that there was no way to fake anything. Whether it was a cold or just skipping out on after school activities. I spent a majority of my time as a kid trying to get out of school even though it never worked, we still love our nurses.
1.There is no faking sick to get out of school.You are not getting out of school unless you're dying or bleeding to death.
2. There is no way you are going to the doctor unless like above, you're bleeding to death or on your deathbed.
3. Dinner conversations can be super gruesome and not a single family member will flinch anymore.
Poop, blood, and guts are just a part of their daily life that we sometimes get a glimpse of and when we do they give every detail about it.
4. They work pretty much every holiday or every other holiday. So when they actually get one off its so much sweeter. They don't have a special weekend or anything to be honored.
5. “Take an Advil you’ll be fine. If it still hurts in a couple days we can go to the Doctor.”
That one needs no explanation.
6. Nurses are under appreciated and underpaid for what they see and take care of.
They see people on their deathbed, and they see new life, but nothing can prepare you for when you lose one of your favorite patients. They carry that for a long time if not forever.
7. We know we are safe and well taken care of.
At least we know that if a real emergency comes around, they will be first to act.