Dogs may not be able to speak English, or whichever language we may speak, but dogs do understand us in many different ways. Often times I find myself telling people how stupid my dog is (don't get me wrong, dogs do stupid things sometimes), but dogs are actually really smart. Here are some things dogs can understand and sense about us, which is actually pretty awesome.
1. When you're sad
Whether you show that you are sad or not, your dog can tell. Not only can they tell, but they also know just what to do when you are sad. You can count on your pup to understand this emotion and to always be there to have your back.
2. When you don't like someone
Have you ever been with your dog around someone that you really don't like? Well, your fluffy friend can tell that you don't like them. It gets really funny when your dog agrees with you and gives them the ultimate sass when they try to pet them.
3. Who is right for you
Before I met my wonderful boyfriend, I introduced my dog to some people she knew wasn't right for me from the start. Whether she gave them a snarky look or did something to smite them, she would make it clear she didn't want them around. When I introduced her to my boyfriend, she ran right up to him so that she could get petted. She made it clear she liked him and still does when she runs to him before me.
4. If you're a nice person
If you're rude to people, your dog will find out just by your attitude. If you're generous and nice to people, your dog will show more compassion to you. When you yell at your brother, for example, your dog will be kind of mad at you. But if you get your brother an extra smoothie when you get one for yourself to show him you appreciate him, your dog will want to be around you so much more.
5. When you need protection
Sometimes I've been waking my dog, and she sees a rabbit or something and immediately gets in front of me to protect me. Like yes, thank you for protecting me from that awful killer rabbit. On a more serious note, dogs are not afraid to step in and save the day, and more importantly, you.
6.That you're sick
Your dog knows when you're not feeling well. When I had my tonsils taken out, my dog sat next to me every day and slept next to me every night. Dogs want you to be okay (probably so they can keep getting petted), and they really do care for you.
7. Fear
Dogs know what you are afraid of and when you are afraid. If it's spiders, maybe you can convince your dog to kill/eat them for you. If it's something more like a fear of an important interview the next day, you can count on your fluffy pants to calm you down.
8. True happiness and what love really is
Dogs are so positive and so nice and honestly we don't deserve them. I am convinced dogs are always happy, and that even when something bad happens to them they can be happy again. Dogs teach us optimism. Dogs also love us unconditionally, and most the time for no reason at all... except that maybe because we feed them and pet them and get them toys to play with. Dogs love us and dogs maybe us happy... let's give it up for all the dogs out there!