Before ending the Spring semester so many things were going around on campus about different events happening over the summer that you could be involved with, the buzz for the summer in general and a new volunteer position for the Fall at EKU. This position was called a Colonel Crew Leader, it was basically becoming a leader for the incoming freshmen and transfer students for the first week of school. I thought this was just going to be a position that would look FAB on my resume and be a good experience but this was so much more than that! Colonel Crew was one of the best decisions I could have ever made.
1. It was more than just a week long experience.
I know that sounds crazy especially right after I just told you that it only lasted a week, well the volunteer position only officially lasted a week but being a leader and using the skills I was taught during this will last a lifetime. Even now almost a week and a half after my duties as a Colonel Crew leader ended I am still in contact with most all of my students and they have all been so great!
2. It taught me that stepping out of my comfort zone is perfectly ok.
If I had not just decided one day that I needed more and more resume builders I would have never joined this awesome program and had the wonderful experience that I did. Before this I was constantly just stuck in my comfort zone of never taking chances and never experiencing new things alone. I mean I definitely wasn't alone in this because I had several friends that also chose to join but at the same time I was kind of on my own because none of them were there to hold my hand while I lead a group of new students around for five whole days.
3. I can be a leader.
For the longest time I was feeling like I was stuck in the same old same old of never trying new things alone and definitely never being the one in charge so to speak. I never thought that I had the leadership abilities of some of my friends but after just a day as a Colonel Crew Leader that whole thing changed. I knew that I had to step it up for these students and be the leader that I never had when I was a freshman last year. And from the sound of everything my sweet students had to say about me afterward I think even they thought I was a great leader.
4. Never go into anything with a bad attitude.
I did not go into this thinking I would have the experience I had and believe me I was totally wrong. From not really wanting to be alone with a group and continually praying that I would get to double up with someone to being extremely apprehensive when I was told I had to be in a group with the other leaders I was wrong on so many levels. I had the best time with students who were the best that I could have ever asked for even if I could have picked them myself. Also, after a day or so with my leader and group of leaders I learned that Mint to Be was the best bandana group pout there, (our bandana's were mint green so we came up with the other name).
5. Chacos are your best friend!
During that week there was a lot of early mornings where I was literally running out the door fearing being late for morning meeting and days of nothing but walking everywhere all over campus for hours at a time. So I quickly learned that grabbing those chacos by the door were not only the quickest pair of shoes I could have put on but also the best ones for my feet.
6. Potatoes are NOT burritos.
When you have students going through every area of campus at all times of day there are often times that food is out for other staff who are having meetings and such, often times those students are very hungry because they have been on their feet for a long time and been awake a while only going to eat at their scheduled times with you so sometimes certain food items can be mistaken for other items.
7. Be prepared for all weather!
I should have known living in KY my whole life that weather is beyond unpredictable and crazy. I was also told by my leader as well as the people over the program several times to make sure to have a rain jacket, umbrella, etc. but as usual I didn't listen very well and often times found myself unprepared. So for future reference always prepare for the weather!
8. Be prepared for running on limited sleep.
It's crazy to think that I got so little sleep but was up every morning and at meeting by 7:30 especially considering that I never do well with limited sleep. I had the best time in the world with this group but the limited sleep about got the best of me when Sunday came around. But really I can't even complain about sleep when knowing that the Super Crew Leaders, who were the leaders over us, got even less than we did with only 2-3 hours a night for a week or longer.