There are various ways a college student will spend their summer. Whether that be being lazy or getting a jumpstart on your life after college. Sometimes it is difficult to choose between being lazy and just relaxing or getting that experience you will need at some point. College is hard and it all depends on what you have available to you for the few months you have without classes (maybe).
Here are 8 different types of summer choices college students make:
1. The Intern/Worker
Most college students love/hate the idea of having to do anything but go to the beach over the summer. Although the best decision for almost any student to experience something in the workforce so that when graduation comes along they aren't totally clueless.
2. The Sleeper
Sleep is non-existent during college, so you need to catch up on those z's somehow and what perfect time to do that than to do it over the summer. Plus if you have nothing else to do then why not sleep all the time and ignore all daily activity that doesn't include eating food and maybe hanging out on the internet all day.
3. Catch Up On Class(es)
This is the time to get those extra credits in or get ahead so that your semesters aren't so brutally difficult. You can take various classes that could be simply interesting or that random math class you barely failed freshman year.
4. Traveling
Every college student's dream is to just leave and get away from anything related to academics. Being able to travel and explore is the most relaxing and interesting summer vacation. Also with college students always being on such a tight budget it's considered incredibly rare to go anywhere besides home.
5. The Time Waster
You have no plans, no friends nearby, you can't do much, so what else can you do? Nothing, Anything, and Everything!
6. Partying
It's that time to let your wild side out and you can't exactly do a whole lot of that when you have class and homework and exams and papers and life tumbling down your back.
7. Netflix and Nothing
You have to catch up on all those shows you missed forever ago. All your friends have seen them and now you're way behind, the summer is the best time to relax and binge watch as much Netflix as possible.
8. Try Something New
You have a few months to give something new a try, whether that be surfing, art, or seeing a new show. You have so much time to practice and explore new hobbies that could become permanent parts of yourself.