In the summer, you find yourself at the nail salon more often this time of year. It's flip-flop season, which means having nails done means personal hygiene and taking care of yourself. Even if you aren't into colored nails, you probably still file or cut them down. As girls, we must take care of ourselves and our bodies. Why not treat ourselves to a manicure or a pedicure sometimes? Here are a few things we all experience at a nail salon, but sometimes we keep to ourselves:
1. Picking A Nail Color
The lady will direct you to a chair to sit down in and you're either looking through samples or trying to stare at the wall of polish and find something that catches your eye before you take up too much time. You panic having to choose a color really fast, but you also don't want to delay them. Sometimes, I've seen girls think ahead about what colors they are interested in since the selection can be so intimidating or overwhelming.
2. The Insecurity You Get When You Overhear Conversations
Sometimes at the nail salons, you may not be able to understand them because they speak to one another in a foreign language. It makes you insecure, because you hope they aren't talking about how gross your hands and toes are or something. Then you have to pick a nail color and you know as you're getting them done that others can judge and talk about your color. Also, everyone can hear your conversations to a friend, neighbor sitting next to you, or phone call.
3. The Massage Chairs
The massage chairs can make you ticklish or move suddenly and mess up or interrupt the steady concentration of the person doing your nails. You may get a super hot foot bath and you aren't quite sure how to put your feet in without burning the bottoms of your feet. Your chair may hit a ticklish spot and it sends you into a tickle mode where you can't keep still.
4. Lights for Gel Polish
The lights that you stick your nails under usually require a wiggle or a tap to get the light started. You begin to panic if you can't seem to get your light to turn on again, or if your nail gets ruined when you put your hand or foot into the light. You pray as you pull it out that you don't have any problems. You had one job...don't mess it up.
5. Trying To Make Conversation
Sometimes you get someone who is really interested in getting a conversation going with you. They will ask about school, jobs, your major, or talk to you about fashion. Other times you get someone who doesn't want to talk. You attempt to say a few words and then you check your phone for enertainment.
6. Hoping The Color Turns Out Okay
You pray that the color looks the same as it did in the bottle. You make sure that your nails are cut down enough, and you like the color against your skin tone. Everyone is different and sometimes a color looks completely different on one person versus another. If you went with a wild design or tried something new, you are eager to see the final stage.
7. Walking Out Without Smudging Your Nails
You walk out and hope that your nails are dry enough to get into the car or to step on the pedal to get home.
8. Feeling Like A New Woman
You feel like a brand new woman when you have your nails painted. You look like you have your life together. You feel fresh, clean, and ready to take on the next challenge.
The struggle may be real sometimes to get a manicure or pedicure, but we still find ourselves back at the salon again right when we need it. Am I right, ladies?