With the release of his latest album Purpose, Justin Bieber seems to be on top of the world. He has reinvented his sound and image, and through this evolution, he has left millions of former skeptics questioning their newfound feelings for him. I confess that I, too, was once one of these skeptics. But NO MORE. Now a hoverboard-riding, nude-leaking, platinum blonde bombshell of a Biebz has worked his way into my heart and my public Spotify playlists. And I am not ashamed. So in defense of myself and other newly-converted Beliebers everywhere, here is a list of things about Justin that we love and will NO LONGER HIDE:
1. Justin's acoustic covers.
Recommended for you
He just makes it feel so... so... intimate.
2. His nudes scandal(!!!)
Don't lie, you Googled it too. His revealing Bora Bora vacay pictures started a predictable social media frenzy, and ultimately led Justin's father to tweet this:
...and also prompted this headline:#same
3. PURPOSE: The Movement, AKA all these new dance music videos!
Sorry is the most viewed video for The Movement, but JBiebz actually has a choreographed music video for each song off his album! I may or may not have signed up for a dance class because of this.
4. James Corden's Karaoke Carpool with Justin.
Volume I:
...and (THANK YOU, LORD) volume II:
*Contracts Bieber Fever*
5. The entire "Purpose" album.
Jams on jams on jams.
6. The constant "will they or won't they" state of Jelena.
We all held our breath when the Biebz recently serenaded Selena...
...and then posted this #TBT on Insta, because don't we all throw it back to when we rode muddy quads with our exes?! *cue side eye*
No, Justin. We won't just "calm down".
7. His Billboard photo shoot.
Hubba hubba...
8. And lastly, Justin's new hoverboard toy-thing.
A candid of the Biebz and his flock of "hoverbros".
"...AS I BELIEBE..."