"Shameless" is revolutionizing modern television as we know it. Although the show premiered in 2011, the show became popular recently when the show hit Netflix. This show encompasses everything we get in a normal binge-worthy show and more. There's love triangles, family drama, and many quotable lines, but so much more. "Shameless" focuses on all those taboo topics many shows tend to steer away from. "Shameless" is real. "Shameless" is shameless. We live in the real world, and that's just what this show is about. Here are eight topics that the show brings to light.
1. Alcoholism
Many of the characters on Shameless deal with one degree of alcoholism or another. It is seen in every episode, and brings us through the stages of alcohol poisoning, blacking out, and the negative effects of binge-drinking (like liver transplants!)
2. Drug Addiction
We are all pretty familiar with the effects of Marijuana, but are blinded from harder drugs such as heroine, cocaine, and pills. Shameless opens our eyes as watchers to the harmful effects of trying these drugs, even once, and what it does to a family.
3. Teen Pregnancy
Time and time again we have seen teen pregnancy portrayed on channels like MTV, and every story line is the same. Shameless shows the troubles of teen pregnancy in a household with many other problems and limited money. Not to mention pregnancy at only thirteen years old.
4. Abortion
Abortion is a very sticky topic, socially and politically. No matter what your opinion is, you'd agree that it is important to know all the facts. Shameless makes it clear to audiences that whether you'd like to go along with abortion or keep the baby, there's positives and negatives. Shameless shows the process of getting an abortion, as well as the emotional stress it can put on/take off of someone.
5. Suicide
Suicide is never an easy situation to see. It's even hard to watch on a fictional television show. Even from early on, suicide to a topic seen on Shameless. The show goes through the grieving process, the stages of denial, and how it can effect a family.
6. Mental Illness
Many characters of Shameless deal with some sort of mental illness such as bi-polar disorder, and agoraphobia. It's not something quietly mentioned, but made a part of the major story line. We see these characters go through problems with medication, relationships, and anger.
7. Broken Families
Shameless is pretty much the poster child television show for broken families. From what our range of television programs, some might believe a broken family is created when Blac Chyna leaves Rob Kardashian, but it is much more than that. On top of all the topics discussed above, the Gallagher family is broken in every way possible. The only thing that they have is a love for each other (and sometimes, that even seems diminished).
8. The LGBTQ Community
One of watchers favorite parts of the television series is the relationship between Mickey and Ian. Although some people don't approve of them, they don't care. They aren't ashamed of who they are and who they love. This show opens closed doors to many Shameless watchers about the LGBTQ community and the walls broken to get to this place.