It's no secret that school is stressful, and it's no surprise that college is the most stressful schooling a person goes through. There are certain points that the entire planet understands is a time of high stress like finals or when bills are due. However, there are certain things that happen to a person when they get very stressed and very overwhelmed at the very beginning of the semester.
1. You stop caring about your appearance.
I think most people are secretly looking for an excuse to stop caring about their appearance, but when you're super stressed, there's just no time or energy. Therefore, you wear the same shirt a few too many days in a row and don't fix your hair.
2. You calculate the lowest grade you need on the closest test to still succeed.
So if there are four tests and I make a 50 on this one but 100s on all the rest, and do the bonus and make a 100 on all the quizzes, I can still make an A!
3. You wonder why you ever picked your major.
If you had just majored in something else, I wouldn't have to take this test, write that paper, and attend this meeting all in the same week.
4. People laugh at you because it's too early in the semester for stressing
"What do you mean you can't go out?" Your roommate might say "it's only week three. Who has homework?"
Me. I have homework. Tons of it, too
5. You contemplate dropping out and becoming a stripper.
It sure would be easy to pay off those student loans...
6. You eat a lot of junk food.
Whatever, you can start your diet next week.
7. You start to see careless drivers as an opportunity rather than a hazard.
Hey, person who texts while driving. Hit me so I don't have to go to class today
8. You start bargaining with yourself about what grade you really want.
Sure you wanted a 4.0, but a few B's here and there don't really matter in the grand scheme of things...right?