As a fiction writer, you know your struggle is one of a kind. That's not to say non-fiction writers or poets or autobiographical writers don't have a struggle of their own, but it's totally different when you're writing about a world you've possibly made up entirely in your head. Everything has to be just right; this is fiction, after all, how else will anyone believe (or buy) your story? Needless to say the struggle is too real, when it comes to perfecting your fiction writing.
8. Coming up with good character names.
There are definitely already enough Claire's and Sarah's and Bella's in the fictional universe, but how unique is too unique? Will they spend the whole paragraph wondering how to pronounce this character's name?
7. "What do you mean this idea has been written already?"
When you already have up to the twelfth chapter planned out and someone politely informs you that this would basically be a fifth Twilight book. Niiiiiiiice.
6. Knowing what you want to say but not how to say it.
Brain, meet hand. Hand, meet brain. Please work together. Somehow. Soon. Please.
5. When you get an idea in the middle of the night when you're supposed to be sleeping.
Seriously, brain, 4 AM is so not the best time to suddenly realize how my main character's deepest, darkest secret will be revealed to their love interest.
4. Having to come up with a title for, like, anything.
If anyone else wants to decide on my titles for me, it would be greatly appreciated.
3. Anxiously awaiting feedback from a beta or editor.
I'm sure it'll all be fine... Sort of... Right?
2. Growing so attached to your own characters, you start thinking/speaking like them.
Nothing's wrong with that, though! ... Kinda.
1. When your friends want to hang out and be social but you'd much rather spend your time alone, writing.
It's not even anything personal, but something good could come from day 567 of being locked away in my bedroom by myself in front of my laptop. I can't go out, what if an amazing idea hits me and I can't remember it by the time I go home?
To all of my fellow fiction writers: I wish you luck, and please know that I feel your pain.