Anyone who knows me knows that I am always cold. There is an endless supply of blankets in my room, and my car has several sweatshirts just in case. Even then, I’m still somehow always cold. These are just a few of the daily struggles that come with always being cold.
1. Walking into movie theaters, restaurants and just about any public place is like walking in the Arctic.
As if it wasn’t already freezing enough, you always manage to sit right under the air conditioner.
2. You always have a jacket with you.
You know you'll be cold no matter what time of the year it is/where you are going, so you always have a jacket or sweatshirt on hand.
3. There is a constant temperature battle in your apartment.
You like it hot. They like it cold. That’s about all there is to it.
4. Heated blankets and Hot Hands are two of the world’s greatest inventions.
You're usually outnumbered when it comes to deciding the fate of the AC/heat unit, so it is necessary to have an extra warm blanket to snuggle under. Also, Hot Hands make walking to class in the blistery cold winter slightly (but still not really) bearable.
5. Summer is obviously the best season.
Because it’s finally consistently warm!! ....but you still carry a jacket just in case.
6. If you must go outside during the winter, you can be found at a bonfire.
And you will be dressed in a warm coat, scarf and gloves while holding a hot drink.
7. The first thing you do when you get in the car is turn on the seat heaters.
This is quite possibly one of the best feelings ever.
8. You are notoriously known as “the girl who is always cold.”
Everyone knows you are always cold, and your true friends are always prepared with blankets and extra sweatshirts.