Sometimes I feel weird for letting these strange pet peeves annoy me. I'm sharing this in hopes that I'm not the only one with weird pet peeves! If you do any of these things, it doesn't mean I don't like you, it just means I might not be able to stand you at times!
1. When people chew with their mouth open.
I know a lot of people can't help it but it's something that I can't stand. Sometimes it gets to the point where I have to go eat somewhere else because it grosses me out so much.
2. When people slurp their soup.
People don't understand that you don't slurp when you eat soup with a smaller spoon that can fit in your mouth! Also, slurping the soup doesn't make it taste any different, I've tried it.
3. When drivers don't use their blinkers.
This happens so often and it's something that I literally can be mad at for hours. If you're breaking and don't have a signal or anything, how am I supposed to know that you're breaking because you're going to turn and not just breaking for no reason?
4. When people talk over me after asking me a question.
It makes me feel like they really don't care and are just asking me to ask or because they have something they want to say about the topic. Please let me finish and then tell me what you have to say about my answer.
5. When people judge or dislike others due to their political views.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Please don't trash someone or dislike them simply because you disagree with them on things. No one is less of a person due to their political party.
6. When professors bring politics to the classroom.
I'm not here to learn about what you believe and what you think all of us should believe. I especially hate when teachers find out you disagree with them and then hold a grudge against you, even though it's something they're not supposed to do and they know it.
7. When people invade my personal space.
Sometimes I don't like people in my personal space, but I especially hate it when it is someone that I don't know. This usually takes place when shopping, and it's become a reason why I'm starting to dislike going to the mall.
8. When people pick at their nails and it makes a noise.
I hate when people are picking their nails or their nail polish off and it makes a noise. It literally makes me cringe and sometimes I have to walk away or I have to just tell people to stop becuase it irritates me that much.. Yes, it's a weird one but I cannot stand it!