ne of the worst feelings in the world procrastinating on something to the point of a major freak out. In fact after the first time you do this, you say you will never ever do it again. We both know that's a lie and if you're like me, you do it again and again and again.
So, to add some humor to all your procrastination woes, I have compiled the stages of procrastination as told by some of your favorite Disney ladies.Stage 1: Joy
You know the assignment is several weeks off, you've got zero cares in the world. Might as well do whatever you want. Watch tv, go out with your friends, the possibilities are endless.
Stage 2: Momentary lapse of judgement
This is the part where you know the deadline is slowly catching it's way up to you. But rather than actually getting a start on it you still go out with your friends and only in private moments do you beat yourself up over it.
Stage 3: Resignation
So you finally take a look at those requirements and you don't even understand what you're reading. They want me to do what? Did we even go over this? I have to write 5 pages, with 8 sources in APA format and it's all due by when? The struggle is real and it's really all your fault.
Stage 4: Helplessness
So even though you still have a few days left to do it, you've already doomed your self. You convince yourself there is no way you can do this assignment and that the only thing to do is fail. This often involves thoughts of dropping out, changing your major and wanting to go get food (Stress eating is not something I condone, but a practice I unfortunately indulge in).
Stage 5: Blind Panic
It is the night before the assignment is due. You've only just started on it and you're tired, except that you've really not done anything to be tired. You're freaking out because you don't have those 8 sources. There's nothing you can do but aimlessly search the internet about a topic that you don't understand, switching back from one article to the next, trying to make something out of nothing. The feeling of anxiety and despair have already sunk their way into your brain but you continue because you have no other choice.
Stage 6: Turning In The Assignment
Yes, this is indeed a stage and a very scary one at that. You know that you haven't given it your all and yet you still gotta send the assignment in. You've got about 5 minutes to send it and after pulling that all nighter you can't decide not to turn it in. That would be crazy. So instead you upload the document, double check (okay so really check for the first time) any mistakes you could've made, close your eyes and hit send. The deed is done.
Stage 7: Afterwards
While the deed may be done, depending on what time it is and how much sleep you can afford, the entire day may be used to re-cooperate from that wild emotionally draining night you had. During this time you go over every bad choice you made leading up to this point and feel particularly insane. This is around the time you promise yourself you are never ever going to procrastinate again (heads up, you're lying).
Stage 8: Reckoning day
It's been about two weeks. You've gotten some sleep, some new assignments that you've already put off, but you're not worried. You've got so much time. Not long after you get that little ding on your phone saying your professor has put that grade in and you freeze a little. Do you look now or do you look later in the confines of your own room? After much contemplation and a sigh, you open that sucker up. There's one of two ways this played out. You passed or you didn't. In the first situation you are Queen Elsa; ecstatic, free and letting it go. In the other situation you are Rapunzel; terrified of life and not knowing where to go from here. Hopefully you're a Queen Elsa, but don't sweat it too hard if you're not. We've all been a Rapunzel at some point.