Graduating from high school and moving on up to college is as drastic of a change as it gets. You're about to live on your own, leaving behind your bubble of a hometown and high school behind. Of course, Kanye understands just what a big moment this is for you. After all, the guy literally made an album called "Graduation." Kanye explains your experience like no one else could.
Here are the 8 stages of graduating high school as told by Kanye West:
Stage 1: Being tortured by going through several graduation rehearsals...
Stage 2: Sitting at the graduation ceremony like...
Stage 3: Walking up to get your diploma like...
Stage 4: When people congratulate you...
Stage 5: When you get sentimental about graduating...
Stage 6: When you're so over everyone from high school...
Stage 7: Looking at your future like...
Stage 8: When you have to wait two more months for college...
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