Cuffing szn is when people who normally don’t care for a relationship, unexpectedly find themselves caring about it when the weather gets cold and holidays start looming on the horizon.
Michael Scott seems to pretty much always be panicking about love or finding love, so I figured he’d be a good fit for this. So here are the eight stages of cuffing szn, as told by your man and mine, Michael Scott:
1. People start getting into relationships left and right.
And sure, it’s weird to see that one random guy and girl in your class holding hands and shit outside of class all of the sudden, but whatever. You start getting that feeling that you're in some kind of race you didn't sign up for and it’s fine, until…
2. Your friends start getting into relationships left and right.
Starting to get hot in here. You can feel the pressure of needing to couple up swelling in your head and so….
3. You tell yourself you don't want a relationship.
You're too quick, too fast, too cool for that lovey-dove shit. And maybe you are. But it gets super duper hard to keep that mindset when people give you that "Oh honey" look when you tell them you're not talking to anyone seriously. And then...
4. That bland person in class suddenly looks attractive.
You know, the one who never talks, but they've smiled once or twice. You think, maybe that one’s the winner. But trust me, they aren't. Keep dreaming, buddy.
5. You get your hopes up about one person, only to have them dashed a day or two later.
Dang it, you thought that could have been the solution here.
6. You start becoming one of those “screw relationships” type people.
Swearing off love, marriage, romance—condemning it all just to get away from this pressure that you COULD SWEAR is literally everywhere.
7. You find a friend who also is not in a relationship.
That’s your new bff. That’s your new go-to. You’re going to complain about relationships together and complain even more about other people’s.
8. You and your new bff brave through this trauma together.
It’ll all end by Valentine’s Day anyway, right? Right?!