If you're in college, then you're probably in at least one GroupMe, or you're lying. GroupMe is a lot more useful than the regular group iMessage for so many reasons. For example, you can leave the conversation and people can't add you back (because let's face it, sometimes you just need a break from everyone in the group), and it doesn't matter if you have an iPhone or an Android. It's like one big happy family (sometimes). Whether it's a group message with your sorority, chemistry class or just a bunch of your friends, here are the eight stages of being in any kind of GroupMe.
1. When you first get added to the group.
"What a great idea! One big group with my friends. What could possibly go wrong?"
2. When the whole group starts roasting someone...
3. But then they turn around and start roasting you.
4. When someone uses incorrect grammar
5. Trying to make plans in general
When you see "where are we eating?" in the group message, you better sit down because deciding will take 38 hours.
6. When you take a nap and wake up to 500 unread messages.
It always seems like people feel the need to talk about every topic under the sun while you're trying to sleep.
7. When you finally decide to leave the group
You love your friends, but this message has just become too much.
8. But then a couple day later, you get a notification that you've been added to a new group message.
And part of you dies a little bit on the inside.