Finding friends in college can be a daunting task for even the boldest extroverts. The process of finding those who will watch the same shows with you and make puppy chow in the dorm kitchen can be tough. The stages are not always clear as to how to find them, however, one you find them, you will know who is there for the long run.
Stage 1: Being Facebook friends, then eventually working your way up to following them on Instagram and Twitter, and maybe even on Snapchat.
This is the awkward stage where most people will stalk their potential friends and find out what they were doing 102 weeks ago and who their best friend was in 2012 because all you have to go off of is their social media.
Stage 2: Finally getting their number and realizing that despite they fact they only live a few floors above you, you can text them as much as you want.
Finding someone who can put up with your texting style is key, from those who are always attached to our phones, to those who never, ever check their phones. You guys are in constant communication despite the texting differences. Whether it be when you want to meet up for dinner or to discuss what the girl who sits behind you in lecture hall is wearing, you guys cover it all.
Stage 3: Believing that you and your new BFF's are the coolest people since sliced bread.
Obviously this new friendship is the best one ever, and no one could possibly be cooler than you guys. I mean look at you, you're walking in stride out of the residence halls to go to the dining hall. #socool
Stage 4: Understanding the other person's basic schedule, including when they like to eat, sleep and even call their mom.
Knowing your bestie's schedule is important, if you didn't, you wouldn't be able to coincide when you go to get lunch, or go to Target to get the new nail polish you need or even just when to go to the library together.
Stage 5: Taking no shame selfies and posting them all over snapchat.
Nothing says friendship like plastering each other's faces all over social media, especially when the they are silly #noshame selfies.
Stage 6: Spilling your secrets to one another. I mean if they truly are going to be your best friend, they have to know the name of your exes, what was your most embarrassing high school moment and what frat guy you are currently infatuated with.
These people are the ones who you can start over with, but there is always a small part that will lie in the past. Only those who are truly close to you will ever fully know those things you can never let go. They are the ones who will help you let go and realize we are all in the same boat of starting over together.
Stage 7: Making them a part of your wedding Pinterest board, as the best bridesmaids ever.
Who needs a real fiance right away when you have the ladies in your life who you want to be your side when you actually find Mr. Right? For now, they can outline their kickass speech and then once you and they meet him, edit it for accuracies.
Stage 8: Accepting their differences and loving them because they have your back through thick and thin.
Realizing that these people are just as crazy as you means that they will accept you for who you are, and really that's all that matters.
In a nutshell, there are people that will stay and people that will go, both those you find in college, those will be your friends forever.