We all know those familiar feelings of nervousness, discomfort, and eagerness that come with attending a career fair. These are the stages of each of these events.
1. The Diva Stage
Do I look ok? Is there anything in my teeth? No wrinkles. Hair in place?
2. Rehearsal Stage
As you walk into the event, you go through your elevator speech in your head.
3. Affirmation Stage
Just as you check in and right up until you shake someone's hand, you think to yourself, "you got this. Of course they want you. You have so much to offer!"
4. Moment of Truth
Ok, here we go. Put out your hand, smile, say your name.
5. Pitch Stage
Here's what makes me awesome and why I need to work for you. Here's my resume.
6. Relief Stage
Ok, you did it. You gave them your resume; you smiled. Keep going.
**Repeat 4-6 until you've seen everyone you want to see and 3 as needed.
7. Victory Stage
You're done! You gave out your resume. You sold yourself well. Take off that monkey suit and relax!
8. The Waiting Stage
Now, you wait. Wait for that email, phone call, interview, or next fair. Your moment is coming!