Finals week is a difficult time for everyone; studying endless hours in the library, having multiple mental breakdowns over grades, struggling to write just one more paragraph for a paper, getting little to no sleep. Somehow we all manage to get through this tough time. There is no way to accurately describe the blood, sweat, and tears that go into finals week, but SpongeBob always has accurate reactions to whatever situation he is in. Here are eight "SpongeBob SquarePants" GIFs that accurately explain exactly how you feel in these finals week situations.
1. Thinking about finals week in general.
Nothing makes you feel like you're suffocating more than having five finals within three days.
2. Realizing you have three tests, two papers, a group project, and a presentation to prepare for.
I'm sure we can all relate to SpongeBob in this moment. If only we could somehow grow extra arms like he can.
3. When you finally finish a paper that you've been working on for days.
You're dead and probably tired of writing. It's beautiful and basically your child.
4. What you want to do when you've been studying for hours.
I don't think there needs to be an explanation for this one.
5. How you feel when you finally leave the library at 2 a.m.
You're so tired and words can't describe how you feel, but this GIF can.
6. How you feel watching everyone have fun while you're stuck in the library.
I'm not sure how people are out partying or laying on the beach during finals week, but I see you as I slide back down into my chair in the library.
7. Getting into class to take the exam and not knowing the answer to question one.
You've been studying all week, but somehow all the information disappears once you sit down to actually take the test. Wide-eyed and hands shaking, you somehow try to recall all the information you crammed the night before.
8. When finals week is finally over.
Just like SpongeBob, you're snapping your way out of here. We survived. We rocked finals. Peace out. It's time for the beach.
Finals week is basically a gift from Satan himself and nothing can accurately describe how much is sucks better than SpongeBob can. Don't stress yourself out too much this finals season! Good luck and remember... a grade, GPA, test, paper, or group project does not and can not define who you are or what you can become!