On a day where you're feeling particularly irritable, you start to notice the little things that people say or do that really get to you.
1. People who force their beliefs down other people's throats
Now, there's a difference between shoving your beliefs down other people's throats and living your best life and being proud of what makes you happy. For example, being openly gay and having a partner of the same sex is being open about what makes you happy. An example of being obnoxious and shoving your beliefs in the faces of people is a person, whose religion doesn't agree with same-sex relationships, going up to that openly gay person and talking about how what they're doing is wrong, even though that person being openly gay has no effect on the person yelling.
2. People who under-validate the arts
While math and science are super important when it comes to technological advancement, arts such as music, theater, and writing are just as crucial when it comes to societal growth. A lot of people find who they are through the arts and explore their options-- what's so bad about that?
3. Drivers who aggressively don't use turn signals
4. One-upping people
Junior year is full of people trying to outdo each other, especially since my class is full of competitive people. Every morning consists of people competing over who got the least amount of sleep, who studied the most and who has the highest A in a class (even though a low A is just as much of an A as a high A, but I'm not trying to crush their dreams). Seriously, can we all just live our owns lives without trying to impress people with things that ultimately won't matter?
5. People who complain about things completely within their control
"Mrs. ______ gives SO much homework!!!!"
Of course, she does-- it's an AP class.
"I only got three hours of sleep!"
There's a thing called time management; put the social media away and try it! Also, if that doesn't work, coffee and sleeping all weekend works WONDERS.
"OH MY GOSH!!!! I'm failing this class because I don't know what's going on!"
Ask the teacher for help! If that doesn't work, ask a friend! If that doesn't work, ask the internet! There are countless resources.
6. Shaming people about things that they can't control
It serves absolutely no purpose, other than just getting the satisfaction of being rude to someone.
7. OR shaming people about things that clearly make them happy
People that trash other people's music taste, a favorite show or movie, hobbies or friends are some of the worst people. I will never understand why you would criticize something that not only has no impact on other people but brings that particular person joy. Everyone is different, and different doesn't always mean bad.
8. People who argue about things that they aren't educated about
Or just people that spew false information on the daily. It's just wasted energy, especially when you try to educate someone when they are passionately ignorant about the subject.