After beginning a job in retail as a sales associate, I found myself picking up habits when I shopped in stores besides the one I worked in. Additionally, I noticed some customers I encountered have the same habits and it became clear: there are certain tell-tale signs of a retail worker (current and former). You've probably worked in retail if...
1. You save all of your receipts.
Because you know it's basically the golden ticket if anything bad happens (like you changing your mind, again).
2. You check a store's website before going shopping.
That's where all the secrets are - like coupons and sale advertisements.
3. You notice store's window displays.
"Wow! How did they hang that?"
4. When a salesperson approaches you, you're kind and give them the time of day.
Because we know the struggle, hun.
5. You occasionally catch yourself tidying up a display in a random store.
It's a HABIT.
6. That being said, you'll never put an item in the wrong place.
Repeat after me - it goes back where you found it!
7. You're aware of when a store closes.
And even if you aren't, you understand the warning signs (like when the workers whip out the brooms).
8. You always remember the name of the associate who helped you.
Unless their name is something weird, like Kyra.