Writing -- it sounds fun, sounds easy, sounds like a good hobby or lifestyle. But, like anything else, it comes with its ups and downs. It also comes with some obvious signs that a person is a writer or journalist.
1. The notes of possible stories
Every writer has a section on their phone, computer or notebook of just possible ideas. Each idea is either a word, phrase, or introduction to a piece that you will start eventually.
2. You're and your
A writer's biggest pet peeve is you're versus your and their, there, and they're. Don't forget two, to, and too. Even in text messages you find yourself correcting people.
3. At least one journal or note pad
You have at least one journal or notebook with you at all times for in the moment writing and ideas.
4. Writer's block frustration
Writer's block is the absolute worst feeling in the world, especially with deadlines coming up.
5. The feeling every time you are published
Whether it is online or in print and even if it's you 100th time writers will still get this special feeling of accomplishment every time they see their name published.
6. The 2 a.m. writing sessions
Ideas never stop, whether it's when you get up in the middle of the night for a drink or when you are in the middle of class, there are always some odd time writing sessions.
7. The pile of half finished pieces
With those odd time writing sessions and constant flow of ideas you find you have a lot of half finished pieces that just never get finished because a new idea popped up or time ran out.
8. The feeling when you meet your deadline
Meeting a deadline on a piece you worked hard on is the biggest feeling of relief in the world.